On April 15th, Riverland residents celebrated World Art Day, a global celebration that occurs annually on the birthday of Leonardo DaVinci. The entire Arts & Culture Center was buzzing with live painting, guest artists, singing, dancing and residents embracing all the ways in which art enriches our lives. Over 150 residents signed up to participate in art activities of all mediums in the Creativity Hub and outside on the Plaza, expressing themselves through the performing arts with song, dance, and the written word, hosted by Legends Radio personality Mike McGann. The Riverland Photography Club displayed their works for potential new members, and the hit of the party was the art display from a local young artist, Shah Hosein, who creates mosaic pieces – created entirely out of Rubik’s cubes. He created a custom Leonardo Davinci piece just for Riverland World Art Day in honor of the birthday boy himself. The experience concluded on a Zen note with a sound bath meditation session and a native flute concert in the patio by the artist garden. The event was sponsored by Humana and Legends Radio.